The caste system is justified by the Brahmins because the Brahmins are at the top of the caste system, they have all the power. Also when Brahmins have children their children are automatically Brahmins too. Those children will also have the same job as their parents cause that's how their system works.
Dalits are impacted in many ways. A way is that if a Dalit interacts with people from a higher class then, the higher class people will get polluted. Also Dalit children that go to school have to clean the bathrooms and sit in the back row. When your sitting in the back row you can barely hear the teacher so they don’t learn that well. If Dalit goes into a public place owned by a person from a higher class, then they have to take there shoes off. The Dalits don’t even have a punishment if they where shoes in one of those places because it would never happen. Dalits can never move up a class so they will be like that for the rest of their lives. The class system is not a fair system, people are treated very very differently and its very rude.